The December 2022 issue of EEnergy Informer is now available. Here is the contents list:
- Permacrisis: The Year That Was 2022
- COP27: To Party Or Not To Party?
- Carbon Inequality
- IEA: A Shock Of Unprecedented Breadth And Complexity
- Utilities Moving Towards Bidirectional Flows
- Traditional Utility Business Model Challenged
- DNV’s Energy Transition: Rapid And Extensive
- Technology Has Finally Arrived For Demand Flexibility
- On Sunny Days Solar Meets Demand In So. Australia
- Martin Green Awarded For Reducing The Cost Of Solar PVs
- What Nuclear Renaissance?
- Just When Needed, French Nukes Disappoint
- Readers Write
- EEnergy Informer In The News
You can request a sample issue of EEnergy Informer here.