Dr. Sioshansi was quoted in the 25 June 2022 issue of The Economist Technical Quarterly on The Energy Transition:
“Demand management is a breakthrough long discussed and just as long deferred. Utilities that were heavily regulated monopolies or both saw little reason to ‘modify, adjust, manage, shape, shift or shed customers’ demand,’ Fereidoon Sioshansi writes in a recent book, Variable Generation, Flexible Demand. They just added capacity and passed on the costs. Providing customers with price signals did not live up to the promise market-minded reformers imagined for it. …”
“Acknowledging this is the key to the strategy Mr. Sioshansi champions: “we need to automate things, essentially bypassing customers.” New DER-enabled (distributed energy resources) smart grids are an excellent way of doing this.”
The Economist Technical Quarterly on The Energy Transition is available here.