Category Archives: Demand Reduction
Review of Demand Growth Book
A review of Dr. Sioshansi’s book, Energy Efficiency: Towards The End of Electricity Demand Growth, has been published in the June issue of the Electricity Journal. To read the review, click here. To buy the book, click here. For a … Continue reading
Article on Demand Growth
Dr. Sioshansi has an article on demand growth and energy efficiency in the latest journal of the International Association for Energy Economics. It is titled: “Why Demand Growth is Out, Energy Efficiency is in, and the Important Implications of the … Continue reading
What Happened To Demand Growth Down Under?
This is a sample article from the April 2012 issue of EEnergy Informer. Australia’s demand growth appears tepid. Is this the beginning of the end for demand growth? In March 2012, the Australian Electricity Market Operator (AEMO) released a report … Continue reading
Pennsylvania Finds The Ultimate Bottomless Well
And it is NOT a well. This is a sample article from the February 2012 issue of EEnergy Informer. In October 2008, state of Pennsylvania passed a law, Act 129, with the intention of curtailing energy demand, reducing pollution and … Continue reading
Future Of Grid: Smart
This is a sample article from the January 2012 issue of EEnergy Informer. Failure to meet the challenges facing the grid could be degraded reliability. In the past few years, smart grid has risen to top of everyone’s favorite list … Continue reading
Selling Negawatts Becomes Profitable, At Last
This is a sample article from the April 2011 issue of EEnergy Informer. Clever niche players have finally found a way to make money by encouraging consumers to use less. Everyone must have heard the old adage, the cheapest kWh … Continue reading
Energy Efficiency Is All About Consumer Behavior
This is a sample article from the November 2010 issue of EEnergy Informer. As any teenager would tell you, peer pressure may be the most effective means of influencing behavior. When policy makers and utilities embarked on energy efficiency campaigns … Continue reading
UK’s Energy Future Is On Demand Side
This is a sample article from the May 2010 issue of EEnergy Informer. Future demand is no longer necessarily growing, nor taken as a given While reducing the carbon content of the supply-side is broadly accepted as a prudent strategy, … Continue reading
FERC Sees Big DR Potential
This is a sample article from the March 2010 issue of EEnergy Informer. The DR potential is technically large yet elusive The Energy Independence and Security Act passed in 2007 tasked the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to conduct a … Continue reading