Category Archives: Conferences
Fondation Tuck Speech Transcript
A copy of Dr. Sioshansi’s speech at the recent Fondation Tuck conference in Paris is now available. The speech was titled, “Joe Biden, un an après. Où en est la politique énergétique américaine?” (“Joe Biden, one year later. What is … Continue reading
Conference on Electric Vehicles in San Francisco
The conference, EV Charging Infrastructure West, will take place in San Francisco on February 15th and 16th. Dr. Sioshansi is chairing the opening session on Plans and Perspectives of Leading Utilities. For further details, click here.
Fondation Tuck Reminder
On Monday, January 31st, Dr. Sioshansi will be a guest speaker at an online conference organsed by the Paris-based Fondation Tuck. The title of the event is “Joe Biden, un an après. Où en est la politique énergétique américaine?” (“Joe … Continue reading
Dr. Sioshansi at Fondation Tuck
On Monday, January 31st, Dr. Sioshansi will be a guest speaker at an online conference organsed by the Paris-based Fondation Tuck. The title of the event is “Joe Biden, un an après. Où en est la politique énergétique américaine?” (“Joe … Continue reading
Dr. Sioshansi at the AIEE Conference
Dr. Sioshansi was a plenary speaker at the 2021 conference of the Italian Association of Energy Economists. A video of the opening plenary session is available below. Dr. Sioshansi’s talk begins after around 67 minutes.
Panel on “Free Energy”
The 2021 Winter Summit run by the Plug and Play Tech Center featured a session on energy. Part of that was a panel discussion on “Free Energy” featuring Dr. Sioshansi. You can view the whole session below.
IAEE Webinar on Innovation & Disruption
The IAEE webinar on Innovation and Disruption in the Energy Sector, for which Dr. Sioshansi was a panelist, is now available to the public. You can watch it below.
Extreme Climate Seminar Available
The seminar on “Preparing Electricity Markets for Extreme Climate Events”, held at the Australian National University and featuring Dr. Sioshansi, is now available to watch online. Here it is:
Another Australian Webinar
The Australian National University is getting on board with the need for electricity markets to prepare for extreme climate events. They will be running a webinar on April 22nd, titled “Preparing electricity networks for extreme climate events: Learnings from California … Continue reading
Australian Webinar Available on YouTube
The Australian webinar, “Is NEM ready for a climate-induced crisis as in California or Texas”, at which Dr. Sioshansi was a guest speaker, is now available to view.