Category Archives: Electric Vehicles
Article about Electric Buses on The Driven
Dr. Sioshansi has a new article about electric buses on the The Driven website. It is titled, “Too good to be missed: An entire school electric bus fleet is sending power the grid”. To read it, click here.
Article about Electric Vehicles on Energy Central
Dr. Sioshansi has a new article about electric vehicles on the Energy Central website. It is titled, “Vehicle-to-grid Offers Great Storage Potential”. To read it, click here.
Article about Electric Vehicles on The Driven
Dr. Sioshansi has a new article about electric vehicles on the website, The Driven. It is titled, “Who should own EV charging stations – and who should not?”. To read it, click here.
Article on Electric Vehicles in Energize
Dr. Sioshansi has an article about electric vehicles in the latest issue of Energize magazine. It is titled, “EV sales up with China dominating”. To read it, click here (PDF).
Article about Electric Cars in California on CA Current
Dr. Sioshansi has a new article about electrification of transport in California on the CA Current website. It is titled, “Loopholes and Hurdles in CA’s Plan for Transportation Electrification”. To read it (registration required), click here.
Conference on Electric Vehicles in San Francisco
The conference, EV Charging Infrastructure West, will take place in San Francisco on February 15th and 16th. Dr. Sioshansi is chairing the opening session on Plans and Perspectives of Leading Utilities. For further details, click here.
Article about Game Changers on Energize
Dr. Sioshansi has a new article on the South African website, Energize. It is titled, “The other game changers: Rooftop solar, EVs, storage”. To read it click here.
Article on Electric Vehicles on Renew Economy
Dr. Sioshansi has a new article about Electric Vehicles on the Renew Economy website. It is titled, “California dreaming: Eight million EVs by 2030, without crashing the fragile grid”. To read it, click here.
Article on Electric Trucks in Energy: Net Zero
Dr Sioshansi has an article on electric trucks in the latest issue of Energy: Net Zero magazine. It is titled, “Electric Trucks to Follow EVs”. To read it, click here (PDF).
Article on Tesla on Renew Economy
Dr. Sishansi has an article about Tesla on the Renew Economy website. It is titled, “What is driving Tesla’s stratospheric rise?”. To read it, click here.